_Lee Booth • Studio
Selected Exhibitions & Works

2024, Video, Colour, Sound, 5 min looped.
Shown as part of the group exhibition Absolute Piston Gauges, Contemporary Art Tasmania. 7 June — 27 July 2024.
Curated by Kylie Johnson and Bill Hart for Contemporary Art Tasmania.

Installation view
Puce / Chartreuse (The Mandella effect)

Commissioned by Constance Ari for the group exhibition (Through) Stores of Dust, Dark Mofo, Hobart, Tasmania.
Curated by Priscilla Beck for Constance ARI.
48 Portraits (Do Not Fold, Spindle, or Mutilate)

2019, Printed cards mounted on board: 8 panels each 76x25.5cm, QR codes to Instagram-based works, photo corners, graphite, gum tape, Dry-transfer lettering, custom archive box, Exhibition display panels.
Shown as part of the Visual Bulk group exhibition Time Horizons, Sawtooth ARI, Launceston, Tasmania, 8–23 February 2019.
Curated by Grace Herbert and Theia Connell for Visual Bulk/Sawtooth.
Panacea: a virtual archaeology

2019, plan prints on paper, painter's tape.
Panacea was a site-specific research project shown as part of the group exhibition Shift ⌘ 4, Visual Bulk, Hobart, Tasmania, 1–12 February 2019.
Curated by Grace Herbert and Theia Connell for Visual Bulk.


2018–ongoing, Web-based artworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Aleatory archaeology

2018, Installation: 2 channel video, works on paper, wall graphics.
Plimsol Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania. 9–18 November 2018.

SRT Punchcards

2018, Screenprint on glass.

2017, Video, Colour, Sound, 15 min. Printed A4 booklet.

ENJOY! Was screened as part of the group exhibition ENJOY!, Visual Bulk, Hobart, Tasmania, June 2017.
Curated by Grace Herbert and Theia Connell for Visual Bulk.

ENJOY! Was screened at the UTAS 2017 Grad show, Dechaineux Cinema, Hobart, Tasmania, 10-26 November 2017.
Curated by James Newitt.

ENJOY! Was screened at The Loop, Hobart, Tasmania, November 2018.
Curated by Alexandra Hullah for The Loop, City of Hobart Public Arts.

the Black Menace

2016, Video, Sound, 10 min.
the Black Menace was screened as part of the group exhibition, pleasure!, CineMONA, MONA – Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Tasmania, 2–4 June 2016.
Curated by James Newitt.

pleasure! (Continuum Vacuum)

2016, Installation: Vinyl decals, pvc tape, paper shooting target, 10 x Digital prints each 30x30 cm, Chromakey curtain, Plinth, Sony monitor; Video, Sound, 1 min 43 sec looped.
Entrêpot Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania. 1—14 April 2016.

Continuum Vacuum

2016, Video, Colour, Sound, 2 min 6 sec.
Keeping up with Social Media

2016, Ink and graphite on gallery wall.
The RAMP Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania. July 2016.
1562 (Felicific calculus)

Performance, Installation: Various found objects, Sugar, Molasses, Treacle, Sweetened condensed milk, Oil, Cotton wool, Coffee, Cigarettes, Sugar crate, Sparklers.

Shown as part of the group exhibition Sugar Time, Entrêpot Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania. 2—22 September 2016.
Curated by Samuel Mountford.


2015, 7 paintings: Acrylic on card, each 100x100cm
- New York City blackout of 1977
- Wow! signal
- 16.08.1977 Elvis Presley Died
- Hamida Djandoubi
- Steve Biko
- 18 October 1977
- 1977 Convair CV-300 crash
Entrêpot Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania. 21–27 November 2015.
Concrete Abstract (pointing at a quince)

2015, Digital prints, Typed Index cards, Acrylic on tape, Acryilc on board, various objects, Quinces.